Friday, April 20, 2012

Take a rip already..

Whether you like 420 or not I couldn't give a goddamn, I got high this morning just like I do on every other day, it honestly helps me put up with people a little more eloquently then if I hadn't because as we all know most people suck. I didn't send any 420 greetings to anyone thru social media today as  I was to busy getting high, reading my morning paper enjoying the sun come up with my dog Brutas. Then I jumped online and found   more posts about people being angry about people posting their 420 greetings then I got actual "happy 420's." 

Bah Humbug to you assholes. I never tell anyone' "Fuck You for the Easter greeting you sent me!" or "Fuck You and your Christ at Christmas." that would be rude, and a little uncalled for.  I say let people celebrate whatever the hell they want too. Maybe next Presidents Day I will laugh at all the idiots celebrating dead slave owners.  I guess I get it though, I'm no stranger to being mad about something in my update sections and what not, and it's certainly everyones right to vent their frustrations. I guess I just think that people thinking that 420 is a holiday for dirty hippies hasn't met any of my friends, who are all professionals in the real working world, and none of them smell. For all you folks that pay taxes and think that our country has gone to shit (which it has) then I say legalize this shit, make the 'dirty hippies' pay the pot tax for you, and all of a sudden, the government has 17 BILLION dollars MORE a year to piss away on whatever they do. (Probably a war, but what do I know, I smoke pot and watch CNN all day)

So Happy Go Fuck Yourself 420, I'm off to write a scathing letter to CNN about how Nancy Grace needs to stop talking to all of us like we're a bunch of deaf 3 year olds., but first I'm gonna load a fucking bowl.

1 comment:

  1. I like the pots, I just don't think there needs to be a day or time of day for it. I'm pretty much anti any kind of conformity, and 420 is just pothead conformity. "it's 420, let's get high"- No, ya dickhead, get high when you want to and leave me out of your 420 nonsense.
