Monday, November 19, 2012

toaster ovens, pork links, and some other bullshit.

My chick left my toaster oven unplugged again. I finally got down on some breakfast and my fucking toast isn't ready. Cooked some pork links and happened across the last two eggs in the fridge..and my toast is fucked. I've already been all over the yard with my flat shovel cleaning up after my dumb ass of a dog, gone to the grocery store to grab some stash for my apparently 'world famous' bean casserole. (which I forget how to make every year, and will continue to do so because I'm a confused old man, and Im still not sure how anyone even knows about it.)
It's funny finding yourself in your pants every morning, I suppose there will come a time when I will remember to lose them again, until then, I will keep on going to sleep in them, and in general probably look like an idiot trying to plug in my toaster oven in the morning.
I had a super good time this weekend with some old and new friends.  Everyone compared beards, toaster oven stories, and what type of shot is the best for afternoon drinking. We decided, every type of shot is pretty o.k...although I was forced towards some whiskey and almost fell off my barstool..(I did not.) Might have something to do with the 'session' on the train tracks..who knows.
I think that probably the funniest shit that happened all week was a having a drunken relative tell me over the phone that I use the 'fuck word' WAY too much and that I should go to church..I told him that, 'Im in church, just like you are you fucking idiot,'
This is the fellow that decided whiskey in the afternoon was a better decision. you all know him (the one on the left) he shall remain nameless but very photogenic.
And that's the end of it.
 I'm gonna pull the plug on an old man nap, be stoked that I got all my shit done, somehow made it thru the weekend, kick the dogs in the ass, and wake up bitching about the toaster oven. AND the dogshit on the front lawn.

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