Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sausages and a Perfect Circle.

The dogs have once again decided to bug the living shit out of me. I have walked them, given them a car ride, AND gave them the last hardboiled egg, which my gal was gracious enough to leave me, (for them.)
And now I'm busy burning my breakfast sausage..Fuck.
I decided to re-open my private studio, I am very busy painting, dusting, and doing general shit to tighten up the ship for the winter. A multi-tasking motherfucker, I guess you would say. I have had a very nice summer break, and for everyone that was patient, cool, and just in general, left me alone, I appreciate it.
I was burnt. Now I am not. Sometimes you have to step away from shit when it's fucking with you. Tattooing was, and I don't understand where it has gone. When a complete stranger says to me, 'nice work bro!' I fucking cringe...There are more appropriate ways to introduce yourself to somebody, (a simple hello in the produce section of the grocery store will usually suffice.) We can go from there.
The writing is going well and the studio business is a bit overwhelming, but I found my bucket of paint (so to speak,) and it's time for a new coat on the walls.
The new place will be called 'El Studio'..there will be a card this year, but you can only give it out to people that like unicorns...and now I'm burning my eggs..peace.

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